Transparency is Sin - Snippets from a Life
1 Biography should begin from that coffee mug you toss against the evening sky and the ocean below, As you fall out of love. 2 The letter i wrote to my uncle when I was just four had a wrong address I was happy when it came back for, I knew it had come back meeting my uncle and the doll would follow. 3 Men I loved didn't love me back or vice versa but every now and then, I tried to patch up with a chanced opportunity May be, like the lizard rushing through the sunset seascape on my bedroom wall to catch the fly like comma the flight of seagulls crossing the canvas. 4 My first love in school was a christian boy whom I hated, while he loved. But, I remember writing a rather long philosophical treatise on the politics of social disharmony and personal threats in the condition of being in love with a catholic boy with regard to future...