She was a concubine Seventh in the series. Lean and pale With a chubby nose Yet, young and fresh For the plump old caliph. Like a newly brought shoes He wore her day and night Around the garden and Within the royal glass chamber. She was b(r)ought From her hill side hut Which smell of smoke Over dry hard ice. She never saw the other number series Only pale mute screams Of exhausted taste. Maids in service Frowned at her For her silence And dry wet eyes. She loved her chief maid, Saya Who brought her lilies And kissed her bruises. Together they swam across The channel of brute night loves They danced, Close together All through the night. Loved in the wild dark backyard When they heard The potbelly lust Panting In another chamber corner. The thick green backyard At the far of end Had a mossy well Shaded with chrysanthemum and Covered with strawberries. The well was insane. Had a legend etched To its thick damp stone walls. It...