The tunes you play for me are brown. With souls walking in head scarf. Short and hump. Climbing hillocks of round stones. Faceless, like extended life There is a tunnel of rails Murmuring the distant pace Heartbeats in summer. Folks of the altitude. Strolling children from heaven. Baby curls Like swings of amazons. A single bloom, yellow in a pale grey canvas Thick skies Heavy like void, of your pangs. Burial ground. Silver moon. Withdrawing lives. Slumbers of yesterdays. Glow worms. Wind. Strokes I fail to play.
Suddenly, one day You become a weed on a courtyard wall The wild green that nourishes on the intrinsic bliss of his domesticity. Their murmurs of yesteryears gather on your body, hanging down the dilapidated concrete, and write new epilogues for a play, that ended much before the first Act Your hapless nerves become, the scorching summer intruding, their frozen corridors. The melancholy whore, You spread like evening rays over, the impending silence. Your words Your skies Your cuddle Your newfound womb, shatter over a forbidden land, mutilated. The snake bite on their moonlit nights, You ooze out, from a million pores.
Gradually I fail to fall in love so do my attempts to write poems It's not that they are connected, love and poetry you and me now and then. But they conjure, haphazard evenings and revolting senses. The void, that takes over like a weed looking for excess.