Change the vowel to make a new word!!
Change the vowel to make a new word
Says the kg teacher to my little boy…
Says the kg teacher to my little boy…
Vowels change
So do words
Hat and hut
Cut and cat
Why alone vowels ?
Let it all topple over
Why a change between borders?
Let him make a new word order.
Tah and tac
Utc and uht
Long live the vocabulary…!!
Why limit them down to a cross word puzzle?
Two blocks right and four blocks down
Letters packed and couriered
Laid down bare and called a word
Lets go up and left
Mix them, smash them
Heat them
Shape them
Re shape, re re shape
Jumble it over and over
Over over and over
And make new worl/ds
Vpa mmuummm agaim a mmmmuuu
And back to vpa..!!