… and I wed.
Saw him one Sunday noon
Sandwiched in-between mom and dad.
And uncles marching by.
I was glued in my room
Staring at my window sill
How shall I wear my shawl?
On one side or on both?
Saree had been long dismissed
six metered Indian bandage
six metered Indian bandage
What if I trip and they find me lame?
Waited outside for roll call
Pending verdict…
It seemed they forgot me in between global warming and market rate
I sigh a smile
A damn new brand.
Half a dozen head nods filled the room
Was it me or the roasted groundnuts?
They approved of!
Or was it the cold coffee?
Potted destiny.
Am I to wed all these nodding heads?
Who is father?
Who is son?
Who is uncle?
Who is neighbor?
Why should you care?
Do you have a choice?
I was searching the night sky for a love fly
When it was sealed and squeezed in to my wallet
“U can love him”
They proclaimed!
What luck!
A love out of nowhere!
fresh new currency
Am saved!!
And I loved… I guess…
I don’t remember…