Demonic love

Twice up on a time
She loved.

He was
Her man in black
Made of sand.

He loved her live
Fresh as monsoon weed.
She dragged him deep

To her blistered bleed.

Labeled love set to tune, alive.

A man from nowhere
From beneath the ground
A dead shadow

He was sheepish
With floating eyes.
She was lured
To intrinsic myths
Of love tales crossing births

Unlabelled love set to tune, ignored.

A man of flesh
A man of cotton
She, a falling star
Of million desires.

For her man
She was a pebble
Beneath a shallow spring
Moulded in his dashing current.

A needle point
Pierced and stitched
To his burning urge.

The torrent, he
Smashed the structures
Of her oblivion.

She loved with a nagging pain
Of declaimed femininity
Roasted and shaped
In a way side camp fire.

She pulled her nails
And painted his taste
Fertility rites abandoned.

On those nights
dissolved in wine and lust
Her love spoke of
Pleasures longed and rainbows faded
Rains unspent and nights slept.

She grew a legend of demonic love
Spanning woods and crossing waters
She conjured her man of shades
Drew him from his foggy silhouette
Fading behind.

His lips had tales of gaze
strangled in between
his flashy smiles withheld.

She had him sealed
with a velvet lace
curbed him deep
in her fluttering beats.
marked the midnight vibes
As her bosom rhythm

She seldom loved
Her shadow man
for he loved
in silenced veil
A mystery decayed
over a gliding snake.

But she scratched his soul
For bloody stains
To blood kiss her ardent lover
At the tunnels end.

Her man in black
Made of sand.

She was glued
to his amorous rapture
and pangs afire
as she outlived
the shadow puzzle

He loved her
With all those gift of scars
Running along
His chest and soul
That she let him have
For his love
and her infidelity.


Unknown said…
She grew a legend of demonic love
Spanning woods and crossing waters
She conjured her man of shades
Drew him from his foggy silhouette
Fading behind.

withdrawing so much of love for, I spoke less than she knew I would.. She must have been the woman.. the man Of The Black Loved..

The Poignant Sage

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